
Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Despite their small size (flax seeds are about the size of a sesame seed and can be a reddish brown or a golden yellow color) they are loaded with nutrition for starters. They are also a rich source of complete protein, which means that they contain all of the essential amino acids in the amounts needed for human health (similar to soy). High in fiber and containing about two to three grams of total fiber (soluble and insoluble) per tablespoon. Flax seeds contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals which are essential to good health. They are especially rich in potassium and folic acid. In addition flax seeds contain various phytochemicals including lignans, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. These compounds occur naturally in plants and are thought to have antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory functions. Lastly, they have a high percentage of omega- 3 polyunsaturated fats. These fats have numerous health benefits and are very frequently lacking in the American diet.

Flax Seeds are Considered A Super Food

There are many reasons why flaxseeds been referred to as one of the "super foods." These tiny, nutty-like seeds are loaded with health benefits. Consider the fact that flax seeds help fight high cholesterol, fight diabetes, are loaded with lignans, and alpha linolenic acid, which is known as a key player in the fight against cancer, particularly breast and colon cancer. Flaxseeds are also a notable source of omega-3 fatty acids which decrease blood clotting, prevent heart arrhythmias and combat inflammation. In addition they are delicious. Sprinkle ground flaxseeds into yogurt, cereals, salads, soups, and of course use them to make delicious flaxseed muffins.

Did you know that flaxseed is one of the most potent plant sources of omega-3 fats? It is a powerful food to assist in keep red blood cells from clumping and blocking arteries and can possibly reduce the development of heart disease by as much as 46%. It may also help to reduce breast cancer odds. In one study, women who ate 10 g of flaxseed (about 1 rounded tablespoon) every day for 2 months had a 25% improvement in the ratio of breast cancer protective to breast cancer promoting chemicals in their blood.

How To Make Flax Seeds A Part of Your Diet

With so many statistics proving the inherent health values of flaxseed, everyone should make flaxseed a part of their daily diet. It is easy. Sprinkle 1 to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed a day on your cereal, salad, or yogurt. You can also add it to your morning smoothie. Drop two tablespoons into your yogurt and fruit based morning breakfast before blending it all together. If you don't like it whole, you can grind it in your blender or food processor and keep the ground powder refrigerated so it is easy to use.

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