
Nutritional Facts About Shiitake Mushrooms

Nutritional Facts About Shiitake Mushrooms

Dried shiitake mushrooms are available year round. Stored in a freezer, refrigerator or in a cool, dry pantry they are at the ready for adding to many different dishes. Don't be fooled, shiitake mushrooms are not just for Asian dishes. Used to enhance the presentation of dishes, especially pasta, sliced shiitake mushrooms as well as shiitake caps, finely ground shiitakes and matchstick-style shiitakes have become extremely popular with home chefs as well as professional cooks. These wonderful mushrooms offer a rich nutty flavor and firm texture. Be sure to use the reconstituting liquid since it is rich and flavorful. Dried shiitakes substitute very well for fresh ones. As is the case with other dried mushrooms, shiitakes are nutritionally beneficial providing carbohydrates, protein, crude fiber, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, iron and contains only about 14 calories in two-thirds of a cup. The shiitake mushrooms are cholesterol-free and contain only a trace of fat, making them a healthy and delicious addition to savory recipes.